Products that quickly increase potency

Stressful situations, the problem of excess weight, a sharp increase in pressure and an unbalanced diet are an incomplete list of factors that provoke erectile dysfunction in men.

useful products for potency

In order for men to maintain sexual function for many years, it is necessary to eat well, giving preference to healthy foods.

It is important to understand that temporary diets cannot solve this problem. They can help get rid of excess weight, relieve increased stress on the liver and kidneys. But when it comes to maintaining male power, you need to select products that will be included in the daily diet.

When preparing a daily menu, it must be taken into account that there is a group of products (natural aphrodisiacs) that instantly increase the masculine tone, and most of them are not exotic.


Parsley contains a large amount of B vitamins, PP and ascorbic acid. But a special substance, apigenin, contributes to increasing male strength. It has an antioxidant property, but its most important quality is to increase the blood supply to the pelvic organs.

Apigenin suppresses the production of estrogen (a female hormone), excess of which causes sexual weakness in men.

Daily consumption of vegetables (in an amount of at least 50 grams) will improve the quality of sexual intercourse. To enhance the action, it is recommended to prepare a vegetable salad with the addition of parsley.


This product contains almost the entire group of B vitamins, organic acids, trace elements (iron, potassium and magnesium). The use of celery root will be especially useful if the cause of sexual weakness is chronic inflammation in the prostate (prostatitis).

After its application, it has the following effect on the male body:

  • increases the activity of sperm;
  • increased sexual desire (increased libido);
  • improves blood flow in the pelvic organs;
  • hormonal balance stabilizes.

To improve potency, it is recommended to use the roots of the plant. To do this, you can cook a variety of salads with the addition of herbs. Juice can be squeezed from a stalk of celery which, in combination with citrus fruits, is used as a fortified cocktail.


Due to the higher concentration of proteins, polyunsaturated fats and B vitamins, shellfish (oysters, squid, shrimp, crabs) can increase sexual desire. This is also facilitated by the presence of trace elements such as selenium and zinc.

The use of shellfish has an effect on the body such as:

  • Increases the functionality of the prostate.
  • Normalize the process of spermatogenesis.
  • Metabolic processes are activated.
  • Increases the production of the male hormone testosterone.

To quickly restore male strength, some nutritionists advise eating raw seafood delicacies. But it is better not to do this - this can cause poisoning, so any seafood should be boiled first, and only then make it part of a romantic dinner before intimacy.


Any variety of nuts can increase male power. Preference is given to pistachios, as they contain a lot of arginine. This substance increases blood flow to the pelvic organs, eliminating signs of erectile dysfunction.

Other types of nuts improve the quality of intimate relationships by increasing libido.

If a man consumes 70-100 grams of pistachios a few hours before sexual contact, this will help avoid a fiasco in bed.


One of the best means for rapid recovery of potency. A product that is collected from the flowers of natural aphrodisiac plants (jasmine, marjoram) is considered useful.

Honey combined with ground nuts improves erectile function, improving the quality of intimacy.


It is known that when the body does not have enough water, various kinds of problems begin to develop: firstly, the metabolism slows down due to the fact that the blood becomes thicker and begins to flow more slowly through the vessels, therefore, including poor erection; Secondly, the general state of health worsens, there is a feeling of fatigue, in which we blame stress, the level of libido decreases and with it the potency; Thirdly, there are problems with the joints, due to an insufficient amount of joint lubrication. In addition, with a lack of water, cholesterol levels and many health problems increase.

The use of products that eliminate the cause of sexual weakness is recommended after consulting a doctor. This is because they have a number of contraindications that limit the scope of their application.

And it is important not to forget about regular physical activity and timely treatment of concomitant diseases. For example, with persistent arterial hypertension, severe atherosclerotic process or diabetes mellitus, it is foolish to expect a miracle from ordinary foods, without adequate therapy for existing pathologies.